
We kindly inform you that recruitment for the 2024/2025 academic year has started from 03/04/2024

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Recruitment 2024/2025 is in progress!

Start your international adventure with WSHiG!

RECRUITMENT for the academic year 2024/2025 has started from 03.04.2024!

Enroll today for a degree program at the Academy whose graduates work in the largest hotel and restaurant chains around the world! Gain specialized knowledge and practical skills in Tourism and Recreation that will open a European career path for you. 

We invite you to study:

First degree studies in the field of Tourism and Recreation

  • Hotel Management and Gastronomy (full-time and part-time studies)
  • Management and Marketing in Hotel Management, Gastronomy, Tourism and Recreation (full-time and part-time studies)
  • Foreign languages in Tourism, Hotels and Gastronomy (full-time and part-time studies)
  • Toursist Services (full-time and part-time studies)
  • Hospitality Management in Partnership with Sheraton Poznań (full-time studies)
  • Manager of a Hotel and Catering Facility (full-time studies)
  • Sports Catering Manager (full-time studies)
  • Hospitality and marine tourism (full-time studies)

Second degree studies in tourism and recreation

  • Hotel Management and Gastronomy (full-time and part-time studies)
  • Management and Marketing in Hotel Management, Gastronomy, Tourism and Recreation (full-time and part-time studies)
  • Foreign languages in Tourism, Hotels and Gastronomy (full-time and part-time studies)
  • Toursist Services (full-time and part-time studies)

Postgraduate studies - one year

  • Modern Hotel and Catering Management

For foreigners without Polish citizenship (except Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other Russian-speaking languages)
In case of any problem with the online registration (for foreigners) we would like to ask you to contact with Inna Shevchuk
Please fill in the form with Latin letters.

Phone. +48 664 145 319
Phone. +48 61 87 11 557

Complete the application formHave a question? Write to us!

Dla osób z obywatelstwem polskim oraz cudzoziemców z Kartą Polaka lub Pobytu
W przypadku problemów z rejestracją online w języku polskim prosimy o kontakt z Działem Obsługi Studenta
Prosimy o wypełnianie formularzy alfabetem łacińskim.

tel. +48 61 87 11 532
tel. +48 61 87 11 557

Wypełnij formularz zgłoszeniowyMasz pytanie? Napisz do nas!

Для иностранных кандидатов из Беларуси, Казахстана, Украины и русскоязычных кандидатов
В случае проблем с регистрацией онлайн (для заграничных студентов) просим о контакт с 
Просим выполнять анкету буквами латинского алфавита.

Тел. +48 664 145 329
Тел. +48 61 87 11 557

Заполните форму заявкиУ вас есть вопрос? Напишите нам!

Questions? Contact:


Student Services Department First and Second Degree Studies
Phone. +48 61 87 11 530
Phone. +48 61 87 11 557
Phone  +48 61 87 11 553

Services for postgraduate students:
Phone. +48 61 87 11 538
e-mail: ewam@wshig.poznan.pl

Acceptance of recruitment documents
Monday to Friday
from 08:00 AM to 02:00 PM